Distance Caregiving
Often persons in need of care have
no family nearby. In these trying situations, EldercareNY steps in to conduct a
care-planning assessment. Acting as the care coordinator, EldercareNY identifies problems
and arranges support services, such as screening potential home health aides and
monitoring the quality of the care that they provide. Support services can include
referrals to appropriate community centers to reduce social isolation.
Contact Eldercare NY |
"My mother is only 76, but she
was recently diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease, and she seems to be
declining rapidly. Shes been falling, and I was out with her shopping last week and
she fainted in the store. We had to call 911 and she was admitted to the hospital for a
few days. Theres three of us kids, but Im just visiting from Denver, my sister
lives in Philadelphia, and my brother is here in New York but he cant exactly move
in with her to take care of her. We dont know where to start in terms of getting
help for her. We dont want to just call an agency and not know anything about who
were getting. And she doesnt have a whole lot of money to pay for this." A Trusted Professional Who Is There When You Can't
Often persons in need of care have no
family nearby. In these trying situations, I step in to conduct a care-planning
assessment. Acting as the care coordinator, I identify problems and arrange support
services. These can include screening potential home health aides and monitoring the
quality of the care they provide. I also can make referrals to new physicians or maintain
contact with current ones, and serve as the person that the home care aide calls to
respond to the day to day problems that come up that may not require family involvement. I
also can coordinate referrals to appropriate community centers to reduce social isolation.